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What roles are available?
Artist Team Roles
Are you a musician? Consider joining one of our programs for Pre-Professional Artist, Emerging Artists, or become an, Artist Coordinator, Music Director, Session Musicians, Touring Musicians, and other niche roles are being cast in paid roles for this upcoming season. Apply online through the Artists-only portal.
Summer 2025 Employment
Now in our 8th season, the Co‑op is once again casting Canadian youth, ages 16 - 30* in a variety of different employment roles this summer. If you are interested in the co-operative movement, or you like to work on projects that impact a greater good for all, then this might be the opportunity for you!
For a map & list of the communities with programs in 2025, please click here. We work hard to ensure your contract is where you live, but that is not always possible. Note that if your home community is not listed, this does not mean you cannot participate, as these jobs are open to all youth across Canada. Your work must provide the benefit to the community (Constituency) your contract supports.
Positions are "in-person", or "hybrid" depending on your location.
Facilities vary based on location.
Typically 50% of "hybrid position" hours will be engaged in-person, for all roles.
100% remote work is by exception for participants in remote and distant communities.
Please note that you do not need to be a member of the Co‑op to apply. If you choose to accept a position with us, you will be expected to join as a professional member upon acceptance of employment.**
Which program should I apply for?
Developing skill mastery on your instrument, entry level music industry knowledge and assets. May be a student. May have gigs, write songs, perform at events.
Minimum Age 16 yrs

Skill mastery on instrument is evident, substantial broad knowledge of music industry, actively working and investing in music career. Has Earnings. High-quality recordings and release plans. Applying for professional grants.
Minimum Age 18 yrs

Showcase Tour
Taking live performance of new Canadian songs and re-imagined classics to the next level, Showcase participants are immersed in the preparation of a three hour live performance to tour Southern Ontario
Full time rehearsal schedule
May - early July.
Tour legs July 16 - Aug 25th.
In addition to gaining significant on-the job training and experience, A2 Arts Administrator participants engage in weekly professional development workshops and sessions.
Minimum age 18 yrs.
Live Performance
Production Management
Grant Writing
And more!
Emerging Artist - Musician
Pre-Professional - Musician
Artist Coordinator
Music Director
Artistic Director
Sideman/Session Musician
Music Industry Coach
Performance Co-ordinator
And more...
Artist Team Roles
Participants in artistic roles will develop skills in
Some of our current openings include:

Technical & Production Roles
Participants in technical and production roles will have the opportunity to develop their skills in:
Content Creation
Audio-Visual Production
IT Support
Audio Engineering
Stage Management
Data Analysis and more!
Some of our current openings include:
AV Technician
Stage Manager
Recording Engineer
Recording Assistant
Wardrobe Coordinator
IT Team Leaders (Cloud/Network)
IT Help Desk
Graphic Designer
Industry Mentor
And more...

Professional Writing & Editing
Team Management
Project Management
Grant & Policy Writing
HRIS, Payroll and more!
Human Resources Coordinator
Finance Manager
Corporate Services / Regional Development Officer
Human Resources Assistant
Membership Coordinator
Customer Service Agent
Admin Assistant
Team Leaders & Department Heads
Education Program Coordinators
Administrative Team Roles
Participants in administrative roles will have the opportunity to develop their skills in:
Some of our current openings include:

Apply Now!
Artist applications are accepted through our NEW online portal at cdnmusic.awardsplatform.com
All other applications can be submitted through our "Get Hired" portal.
Please watch for emails coming from these portals until your application is fully complete.
Returning applicants should use the same email as in previous years.
You do not have to be a member to apply for the summer employment opportunities. If selected for employment, you will be offered a Professional membership.
Our summer employment programs require that each participant have their own cell phone and laptop, with internet access, to participate in the program. We have access to a limited number of low-speed laptops that have been donated to us, and if need be, you can request one of those for your use.
Most of our summer positions are funded by the Government of Canada. Their funding announcements are in April.
So as soon as we know, we will be moving forward to make first-round offers. This is typically towards the end of April each year.
The earliest possible start date is April 24 and the average contract length is typically 280 hours up to 480 hours, carried out over the course of 8 to 16 weeks.
In -person training takes place in a variety of different locations in each constituency, depending on the space available and the space needed for each task. Sometimes we are in a computer lab at a municipal office or library. Sometimes we are at a theatre for rehearsal, or in a sponsors location. We perform in a variety of public and quasi-public spaces. Most training and workshops are done online or remotely.
To apply for Artist Programs (Pre-Professional, Emerging Artist, Showcase Tour) click here
To apply for Non-Artist Programs click here
Due to the timelines of the application process, and the date of various funding announcements in relation to the beginning of the summer performance season, we proceed to audition, call back and interview potential candidates, and rank all candidates for summer hiring opportunities. Please note that Performers (Emerging Artists, Pre-Professionals and Showcase) have an extended process that includes a Callback audition. This is not applicable to other roles. All non-artistic positions move from application to interview, without a callbacks process.
No offers can be extended until we receive notification of our funding application status, typically around the middle to end of April each year.
* Candidates must be ages 15-30 on their first day of work to meet the criteria for funding for this program.
** The Co-op is committed to reducing barriers to participation. We have a food support program available, and an application process for assessing financial hardship to ensure everyone is able to access our programming equitably.
To apply for Artist Programs (Pre-Professional, Emerging Artist, Showcase Tour) click here and follow the instructions.
To apply for Non-Artist Programs click here and follow the instructions. Be sure to answer all "Pre-Interview Questions" before you submit, or your application will be incomplete.
Our payroll system requires you to "punch in/out" using 5-20 second of data on a mobile device at the beginning and end of each shift. Location services are required for this process. Your device must remain with you while you are punched in.
All participants will require access to a working computer on a daily basis. Unless you are 100% in-person, you will require a working camera, microphone and internet access to work remotely. We have access to a limited number of low-speed laptops that have been donated to us, and if need be, you can request one of those for your use, or you can work at one of our partner locations or local libraries.Most of our summer positions are funded by the Government of Canada. Their funding announcements are in April.
So as soon as we know, we will be moving forward to make first-round offers. This is typically towards the end of April each year.
The earliest possible start date is April 24 and the average contract length is typically 280 hours up to 480 hours, carried out over the course of 8 to 16 weeks.
In -person training takes place in a variety of different locations in each constituency, depending on the space available and the space needed for each task. Sometimes we are in a computer lab at a municipal office or library. Sometimes we are at a theatre for rehearsal, or in a sponsors location. We perform in a variety of public and quasi-public spaces. Most training and workshops are livestreamed so your cohort can join in, or you can login from home if you are not in the host community for that topic.
Definitely not true, To be crystal clear - no preference or ranking points are given to existing members. Many external adjudicators help rank all applicants to ensure job placements are objective.
Since we are a co-op, all participants must become members if selected. Membership is effective for your entire development year (not just during your summer program) and you will enjoy the full benefits of Professional Membership.
For participants experiencing financial hardship, limited subsidies are available by application.Click here to look at the detailed map of locations.
It is important to note that positions are open to youth who meet the government funding criteria, who live anywhere in Canada, but the work being completed is for the benefit of the constituency location that funds the work.
There are two different types of applications. Non Musicians and Musicians
Non Musicians apply in "Applicant Tracking" through Get Hired, when the postings are opened in mid-March. Selected applicants will be invited to book an interview. Interviews are online and are 20-30 min long. At the end of the interview, all applicants will be asked to complete the Government "Consent Form" to swiftly establish your eligibility for the funding, before an offer is able to be extended.
Musicians apply in "AwardForce" when the postings are open.-
Applicants should complete a single application only, and if they are applying for multiple programs, include everything in a single application for adjudication.
Applicants create a login to the platform, with a password, and use these same credentials to access their account.
Answer all of the questions indicated, and upload the necessary assets and "submit". The earlier you submit, the more time we are able to take reviewing your materials, as there tends to be a lot of submissions at deadline day.
If selected for a callback, you will receive an email at the address you used for your account login (not the one in your application form) inviting you to book a time during Callbacks Weekend on our website, and providing instructions for the same.
Callbacks takes approximately two hours from start to finish.
When you arrive in the Zoom call, you will be greeted by the Zoom Coordinator, do a sound and video check to ensure you are transmitting your best performance, and then you wait in a Green Room until the Jury is ready for you.
You will be asked to transfer into the Jury room to begin your audition, and you need to say "Yes" to the room change.
In the jury you will present your required material (as outlined in your invitation email) and answer questions about your goals and career plans. Returning participants will be expected to demonstrate how they effectively applied their learning from a previous season/program.
In between each of the next steps, you will be transferred to a green room until the facilitator is ready to begin.
Next steps include a short media interview where you will interact and respond to questions about your music, and then a Human Resources interview. Each of these is typically 20 - 30min, depending on how long you speak for with each response.
Following the interviews, you will go to an "exit room" where you can ask any questions you did not ask earlier.
You will also be asked to complete a Government of Canada Consent Form, which provides the personal information needed for submission through the GCOS website to validate your funding eligibility. This form is "Protected - B" and your information is kept confidential, and only used to for the GoC prescribed purposes for your funding.
Your data is entered in GCOS, once the project is available and as your turn comes up for the next placement offer.
If you decline the offer, your information is removed from GCOS, and your form is retained for the specified period required by the Government of Canada. If you decline the offer, you are able to request, in writing, that the form be deleted, and we will obtain the necessary permission from ESDC to take this action and delete your personal information.
Historically, the funder has not penalized youth for taking a family vacation, and we have been able to accommodate this time off in the context of your summer contract dates. We never know for certain until we get the updated interpretation of the rules each year, but usually they usually approve this.
Unfortunately, that goes beyond the scope of the program funding. While we understand that there are many valuable international opportunities for youth to benefit from, we cannot allow you to work remotely while you are outside of Canada. No Exceptions. This is not our rule, therefore we cannot change this.
So it's best to apply and if you are offered a position, be upfront about your plans and opportunities, and the dates impacted so we can see how to best work AROUND that period of time for you, and have a leave approved in your contract.You should send an email to jobs@canadianmusicians.coop to get a personalized response to more individual questions that have not been addressed by the FAQ's
Where do I answer the Pre-Interview Questions?
After you upload your resume/cover letter in the application, the questions will be visible. Please make sure to answer all questions or your application will be delayed.
What is a "constituency"?
Each funded position is tied to a federal political jurisdiction called a "constituency", also known as a "riding". This is where your work is funded to take place.
What is a "cohort"?
Sub-grouping of artists or other team members across geo-political borders for online trainings to ensure they are in a team with the other artists who most closely resemble their learning goals, needs and stages of their development.
I heard you have to be a member to be considered for a summer job. Is that true?
Definitely not true, To be crystal clear - no preference or ranking points are given to existing members. Many external adjudicators help rank all applicants to ensure job placements are objective.
When do the jobs start, and how long are the contracts? How many hours do I get?
The earliest possible start date is April 24 and the average contract is typically 280hrs up to 480 hrs in length. The largest contract possible is 640 hours, and those are typically reserved for youth team leaders and returning participants in a leadership role.
When will I find out if I have a job or not?
Most of our summer positions are funded by the Government of Canada. Their funding announcements are in April.
So as soon as we know, we will be moving forward to make first-round offers. This is typically towards the end of April each year.
Where do Summer Emerging Artist Program participants work and participate in training?
In -person training takes place in a variety of different locations in each constituency, depending on the space available and the space needed for each task. Sometimes we are in a computer lab at a municipal office or library. Sometimes we are at a theatre for rehearsal, or in a sponsors location. We perform in a variety of public and quasi-public spaces. Most training and workshops are done online or remotely.
As a result, for payroll purposes, you will need a mobile device with data. You use 20 seconds of data to punch in and out each day. Where WIFI is available, you can also use that instead, but you need data for public locations without WIFI service.
Why would I want to make minimum wage to do a summer administrative
Great question! The number one reason why is that you get a great deal of opportunity to REALLY tackle the type of jobs that you have been training for in school.
A-Team members aren't making coffee - they are actually living their career-goal roles! e.g Using HRM Payworks Software, drafting and editing policies and responding to Health and Safety issues. You aren't just a small part of a massive team, youth ARE the team. Of course, we have experts who lead you and teach you how to get these things done, but these positions are really for self-starters who are eager to have the responsibility and demonstrate their competency. "Scope and Scale" is massive here.
What is BYOD? (Bring Your Own Device) Why do I need to do this for a job?
Our summer program isn't like many jobs you might have encountered. We created this program as a way for young people to get real and valuable job experience in a variety of areas in a short period of time. We have access to a limited number of low-speed laptops that have been donated to us, and if need be, you will be assigned one of those for your use.
You will likely be much happier using your own device if you have one. And if you don't have anything to bring, we can facilitate access to a computer at a local library as an alternative. Bottom line is - we can work something out.
You Asked, We Answered
You Asked, We Answered
Where do I answer the Pre-Interview Questions?
After you upload your resume/cover letter in the application, the questions will be visible. Please make sure to answer all questions or your application will be delayed.